Sunday, September 11, 2011

South Street Diner's Customer Appreciation Day

It was a beautiful Sunday today and my friend told me about South Street Diner's free bbq today. So, I checked it out, and not only did they have an ice cream truck planted out front, but inside they offered cheeseburgers, hot dogs, cole slaw, potato salad, and chips, in the narrow space beside the diner, they offered drinks, condiments, and tables/chairs, but they offered face painting, and across the street I spotted three ponies! They sure know how to appreciate their customers!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sign Sighting in Boston

A super cool sight on the corner of Milk and Pearl... hmm... Pearl Milk Tea?

An afternoon's actual truck sighting was a new Froyo Truck. In addition to two frozen yogurt flavors of the day plus a multitude of topping choices, the truck menu also includes... LIEGE BELGIAN WAFFLES. Wow, two Belgian waffle sources within minutes of each other in Boston!