Ming Tsai of "East Meets West" fame, chef of Blue Ginger of Wellesley, father of two sons - one of which was diagnosed with a number of food allergies which ignited his interest in allergies and to become a spokesman for FAAN (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network), and member of the Macy’s Culinary Council, showed up at Macy's Boston yesterday to take part in Macy’s Great American Chef Tour.

Ming was quite entertaining and engaging as he demonstrate two recipes from his new cookbook, Simply Ming One-Pot Meals: Quick, Healthy & Affordable Recipes - Shrimp, Mango, and Local Herb Summer Rolls and Wok-Stirred Vegetables and Rice Noodles Salad. Screens were set on either side of him to show us a clear view of his hands in action, and healthy sized delicious samples were made fresh for us from behind the curtain and were carefully handed out to the audience by his black dressed helpers. It was great!

A lady in the back was super excited when she heard her name called
for the drawing for a KitchenAid mixer. And afterwards, we had the opportunity to buy Ming's new cookbook and to have it signed, or, alternatively, to receive a personally signed photo.
The demo was originally meant to be taped for a brand new cooking show, however, I was told that due to rescheduling, that this was no longer the case. Well, there goes my 5 minutes of fame.