Saturday, February 23, 2013

Club - Godiva Chocolatier


FREE piece of Chocolate every month *
Spend $20 and receive a free gift the following month *
FREE standard shipping for one online order *
Exclusive offers every month

I finally signed up for a card at a store just yesterday.

And for my first free piece of chocolate pick, I got the Chocolate Lava Cake - yum!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kit Kat Comparison

When I told a friend that Kit Kats from Canada tasted different from those from America, he didn't quite believe me...
American on top, and Canadian on the bottom
 Well, I did a side by side taste test this afternoon.

Visually, the Canadian Kit Kats were more completely enrobed by a darker chocolate and a tad shorter of the two.  But once you separate the layers, a more obvious difference is evident - the American version uses a lighter colored filling between the wafer layers while the Canadian uses the same chocolate within as without.
Between the layers; American on left and Canadian on right
I found the American Kit Kats to be lighter in taste and texture, with the Canadian sibling to be richer and my preference of the two.  But I continue to like both variations nontheless.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

If it is fresh homemade spring rolls, it must be Lunar New Year!

Fried Spring Rolls
Terribly exciting time around here, with the Blizzard Nemo (now in 5th place of Top Boston Snowstorms, having easily displaced the storm of January 2005 with inches to spare) plopping down a good 2 feet of snow and causing all my weekend plans to be cancelled, including lunch with the whole extended family on Sunday to celebrate the New Year.  But with a well stocked refrigerator, and electricity - yes, we were fortunate - we still ate well and celebrated on a smaller (number of people) scale that evening.

So, Sun Lean Fai Lok to all!  And to all a good night! :)